Tuesday, 2 August 2016


HGTechSolutions readily promote teamwork at workplace. We have a fabulous group of employees who understand the environment as well as each other and maintain a zealous environment to work effectively.

v HGTechSolutions believe that teamwork is like many things in life. It will grow naturally if the conditions are there. At the heart of effective teamwork in the workplace is the sense of camaraderie and valuing of each other, which means when people come together they deliver more than they would separately, and they are empowered to do it!
v At HGTechSolutions effective teamwork in the workplace happens when three things are in place:

·         Individuals flourish as they use their Strengths
·         People come together building relationships that often become friendships resulting in effective Teamwork
·         Together everyone achieves more as performance flows and Results are achieved
v You may have noticed that to bring each of the three aspects together we have emphasized the importance of alignment. Team leaders need to ensure that they align the strengths of individuals, with teamwork and a focus on meaningful results. This forms the basis of our model for effective teams, we call it the STAR team performance model in HGTechSolutions.
v (Strengths,Teamwork,Alignment, Results)we think it can help create the conditions for effective teams and a happier workplace as in our organization HGTechSolutions.

Cultivating Relationships and Friendships at HGTechSolutions.
v Trusting the team to deliver.
v Develop your own teamw

ork definition that you all share and fits your context
v Thinking Win-Win. Consistently seek mutual benefit in what you do. Cultivate an abundance mentality – there is more for everyone and together people can achieve more.
v Seeking First to Understand. Communication is the most important skill in life. Seek to understand another person’s view first, in order to best put your view forward. To communicate well you must listen first.
v Developing a shared vision – encouraging personal vision, moving from this to shared vision, spreading this vision and anchoring the vision within a set of governing ideas

v Align people’s sense of togetherness with the vision of where you are going.

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